I’m truly amazed at Betsy’s ability to clearly and precisely communicate the needs, desires and perception of animals.
I’m truly amazed at Betsy’s ability to clearly and precisely communicate the needs, desires and perception of animals. She gave my family much needed relief when she accurately conveyed the needs and thoughts of a dying dog without ever knowing or even seeing the animal. I was blown away by her gift to grasp the animal’s self-perception and essentially see through the eyes of the animal. I highly recommend Betsy to any friend and family member who wants to better understand and care for her/his animal.
– Y.S., Berkeley, CA
Betsy is my “go-to” animal intuitive.

Betsy is my “go-to” animal intuitive. When my aging cat Mr. Chitlin went missing, Betsy gave me great peace of mind by correctly establishing that he was all right, and also provided helpful direction by identifying what was causing him to roam. With that information I made changes to his routine, and now he is more comfortable and stays close to home. An amusing testimonial to the accuracy of her psychic abilities: Shortly after Betsy told me that Mr. Chitlin didn’t like the gold thing hanging around his neck, Mr. Chitlin showed up at the back door “naked.” Several months later, I found his collar with the gold tag on the roof. Betsy’s intuitive powers are a force to be reckoned with!
– E.G., Los Angeles, CA
With Betsy’s invaluable help I was able to have the courage to say my final good-bye to Sam in the kindest way possible.

Sam was my boy! When the time came after 18 years where more days for Sam were spent in agony than in rolling in the dirt under a bright glade of sunlight, I knew it was time to let him go. I thought there were no words that could lessen my breaking heart. I was wrong. From 1000 miles away with no reference to our surroundings she saw every detail and told me “he was ready to let go if I had the courage.” With Betsy’s invaluable help I was able to have the courage to say my final good-bye to Sam in the kindest way possible. Now months later I re-read the words I had written down after my session with Betsy on that fateful day. And instead of being sad, I am inspired. I knew the words had come through Betsy but that they were from Sam. She gave me a part of Sam I could never have been given without her. I am forever grateful.
– K.L., Albuquerque, NM
We are very grateful for Betsy’s amazing gift and ability to facilitate communication with our pets!

Our dogs were having a very difficult time adjusting to a recent move and were having separation anxiety. Every time we left them we would get complaints from neighbors about their constant barking.We tried everything to assure them they were safe, but to no avail. A mutual friend introduced us to Betsy and we asked her to come visit us and communicate with our dogs. Betsy was so gentle and loving with my dogs that they immediately felt comfortable with her and relaxed. She was able to convey to us that our female dog was not getting enough play time outside and felt confined by the smaller apartment versus the house she was used to. She was able to let Betsy know what she was feeling, what she needed and what scared her about her new home. Once we addressed the core issues everything changed! Our dogs were happier and adjusted to the new space. We are very grateful for Betsy’s amazing gift and ability to facilitate communication with our pets! Instead of trying to guess or assume what was wrong we were able to connect with them directly thanks to Betsy.
– M.V., San Francisco, CA
Betsy’s insight into another world helped get me through those dark days and nights when I thought he was gone forever.

My dear cat, Phineas, got out one night in early October. I looked for him day and night, taped posters all over my neighborhood, and spoke to everyone I could along the way. After nearly two weeks there was no sign of him and I was starting to loose hope.Luckily, I spoke with Betsy and she told me she could feel his presence – that he was still alive very close by but it was dark and he didn’t know where he was. We found him under a house four doors down! Because of Betsy not only did I never lose hope – I found Phineas! Betsy’s insight into another world helped get me through those dark days and nights when I thought he was gone forever. I will always be grateful that she shared her gift with me and Phineas!
– L.S., Redding, CT
Thank you, Betsy, for being an open channel to our special friends!

About 3 years ago, my little tri-pawed Jack Russell, PD, met Betsy. They started mind-melding, and suddenly Betsy said, “PD would like to go to the beach more.” I had recently taken PD to the beach for the first time and had not known that she loved it so much. Then Betsy said,“She’s showing me something tan and heart-shaped that she really likes. Do you know what that means?” I did. I had bought some heart-shaped peanut-butter flavored cookies, and they were a tan color. Needless to say, I usually have heart-shaped cookies in the house for her treats now. I’ve always believed that humans can communicate with their animal companions. Betsy has the special gift of easily communicating with animals. I witnessed her talking with four other dogs that day, and a couple of them were giving up all kinds of secrets. Thank you, Betsy, for being an open channel to our special friends!
– S.M., Berkeley, CA
Betsy was spot-on and immediately influenced a positive change in my home.

Betsy was spot on when she described the personalities of my furry babies, especially when she called Lilly a Diva, a label I’ve used for her for years. Lilly always muzzles herself in there first whether it be for food or attention. When Betsy spoke to my beloved Vienna who I lost 5 years ago and said she was still on my night table, it blew my mind. In the mornings Vienna pounce on me from the night table to wake me up. If she wanted me to pet her, she would step onto the night table and lay down, a practice that her brother Max has taken up since her passing. Max has always been difficult for me to read. I love to pet him, but he seems to stay JUST out of my reach. Because of that I always assumed that he didn’t really enjoy it or was easily over stimulated. But Betsy told me where to focus on petting him so I started stroking him there and he lay right down for a longer time than ever before. Betsy was spot-on and immediately influenced a positive change in my home. Thank you so much Betsy.
– M.D., West Hollywood, CA
Having witnessed her abilities in person many times, I honestly can say Betsy understands animals in ways that no one else does.

I was stunned by what I saw after Betsy’s session with my cat. Typically anxious and standoffish, she has undergone a complete personality change. She now is loving and trusting. Instead of hiding the moment she saw me as she would in the past, she immediately came tome for an affectionate rub and leapt into my lap — which told me how important it must’ve been for her to be heard and reassured by Betsy. Having witnessed her abilities in person many times, I honestly can say Betsy understands animals in ways that no one else does.
– E.H., Los Angeles, CA
Betsy has an amazing way with the animals, and also a great respect for the people who own the animals.

I called Betsy because our cat Wellcome was very sick. She had swallowed a huge amount of yarn. We had her operated on and three weeks after, she still was not able to eat. We were so worried she was dying.It was going to cost $4000 to have another operation. We could not afford this,and we did not think it would be the right thing for our kitty. When Betsy talked to Wellcome, it was so comfortable for me and my daughter. She started to ask questions that we were worried about and the cat really responded. The kinds of things Betsy was able to transfer to our cat were very helpful. I feel we understood our cat so much better after she talked with Betsy. Then Betsy spoke with our other cat, her brother. The things she was able to talk to him about were really funny. Especially because somehow both of our cats personalities came out when they were talking to Betsy. Betsy also shared with us how she was transferring the information to the cats so even though I don’t think I have psychic abilities, both my daughter and I know when we want to say something important to our cats we will use these techniques. Betsy has an amazing way with the animals, and also a great respect for the people who own the animals. I will definitely call her again if there’s ever another problem with our cats. My family is very grateful to her.
– E.M., Venice, CA
Betsy is amazing! She brought our kitty family closer together and helped to make each of our three boys happier.

Betsy came to my house to communicate with my three cats. I’d never seen someone talk to animals before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. She looked at them one by one and began to tell me what they were saying to her. The first kitty, Simon began by giving her a virtual tour of his favorite things in the house. He showed her his food dish, a few other things and then told her that his favorite combination was television and mint. But the mint was gone and he wanted it back. She next talked to Henry. She saw from him that he was an old soul. She said he wanted the area on his neck massaged. I laughed, because Henry had never allowed us to touch him. I told Betsy she must be confusing Henry and Hudson because Hudson LOVED a shoulder massage. She talked with Henry a bit more and confirmed it was Henry. The last kitty was Hudson. She said he told her that he was a very good jumper and he liked sleeping under the covers because sunlight was too bright for him. At this point I asked if she could solve a conflict between Hudson and Simon. Simon has always been a father figure to Hudson when he was a kitten. But as adults, Simon would leave his spot if Hudson tried to be near him. I asked if she could find out why Simon didn’t like being friends with Hudson anymore. Simon told Betsy it was because Hudson smelled terrible.
My partner came home that evening and I told her everything Betsy said. I began with Simon and told her his favorite thing in life was television and mint but the mint was gone and he wanted it back. At that very moment, Simon came into the living room, jumped up on my partners lap, smelled her breath and curled up in her arms. She looked at me and said, “television is our special time together and he always smells my breath right before he settles down in my arms. I always eat mint Tic Tacs when I watch television…that is until last month when I went to the dentist and had cavities so stopped eating Tic Tacs.” The mint was gone!Wow! THAT was amazing. Right on cue, Henry jumped up on the couch. I looked at my partner and asked, “Who’s going to try and touch Henry and rub his neck?” Henry always ducked and ran when anyone tried to pet him. Rubbing him seemed out of the question. My partner reached out her hand and began to rub his neck. Instead of bolting, Henry’s eyes rolled up in his head and he fell over on the couch. Twenty minutes later my partner was still rubbing his neck. From that day forward I would look at him and say, “Betsy spot?” He’d meow back and then I would rub his neck. Being able to touch Henry completely changed the dynamic of our relationship. Henry became a much friendlier cat and actually snuggly! In the weeks following Betsy’s session,Hudson stopped sleeping under the covers and Simon became friends with him again. Betsy had conveyed to Hudson what Simon had said about him smelling of sweat probably from being under hot covers all day. Hudson stopped sleeping under the covers and ta-da. Betsy is amazing! She brought our kitty family closer together and helped to make each of our three boys happier.
– G.W., Seattle, WA
Betsy is truly gifted and gentle. Her words come across as soft and kind, even if the news is hard to hear.

Betsy is truly gifted and gentle. Her words come across as soft and kind, even if the news is hard to hear. She provides an important voice for our beloved companions who otherwise have difficulty expressing themselves to us fully. Because of Betsy’s gift, my kitty and I were able to enjoy another 6 months of close companionship that would otherwise have been cut short. We thank you, Betsy!
– J.A., West Hollywood, CA